[Qgis-developer] Where to upload Plug-Ins?

Borys Jurgiel borysiasty at aster.pl
Sat Apr 4 13:58:31 EDT 2009

Saturday 04 of April 2009 19:44:12 Anita Graser napisaƂ(a):
> I just uploaded a new version of "FindByAttribute"-Plug-in to  
> http://spatialserver.net:3001/.
> Now I cant find it with the plug-in installer. Is there a new location  
> where to upload plug-ins for qgis1.0 or did I make some other mistake?

Yes. That repository is only for QGIS 0.x! For 1.x we have the new repository: 

But I'm not sure if creating multiple plugins (findbyattr and findbyattr_v03) is 
a good idea... It makes a little mess at users' machines. If you feel your 
version can be considered stable I would rather replace the old findbyattr 

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