[Qgis-developer] Call for packaging : 1.0.2 'Kore' and 1.1 'Pan'

William Kyngesburye woklist at kyngchaos.com
Wed Apr 29 19:57:06 EDT 2009

On Apr 28, 2009, at 5:48 PM, Tim Sutton wrote:

> Hi
> On 26 Apr 2009, at 6:23 PM, William Kyngesburye wrote:
>> Ugh, crippled Mac, HD crash...
>> My source and dev binaries folders were last backed up in Dec, so I  
>> need to download sources and rebuild dev binaries.  Dev notes were  
>> in my regular backups, so no major loss there.
>> I should be able to get back up to speed by the release, but it  
>> could be close.
> No time machine eh? :-(

I have backups, in various forms, using other software not time  
machine.  I don't backup the source folder often since it changes so  
often and is recoverable, except when I forget to save in-progress  
stuff elsewhere ;)

> I was wondering if the binaries built by your xcode project would be  
> suitable for redistribution. I see that some deps are in the bundle  
> (Qt, gsl, pg) but not others (gdal, geos. etc). Is this something  
> you can easily tweak to correct?
The Xcode project builds Qgis by default just like my usual binaries,  
with my frameworks an external requirement.  Specifically, dynamic  
libraries and Qt/PyQt are bundled.  So Tom could easily compile Qgis  
using all dynamic libraries and bundle them for his all-in-one Qgis.   
I haven't heard from Tom if he's tried it yet.

> My condolences on your hard drive crash. I am happy to wait a few  
> days before announcing the release so that we can have a mac binary  
> to go with the announcement.
I had more backed up that I thought, so it wasn't too bad.  1.1 xcode  
build was easy to  do.  I want to try to bundle qwt5, but it doesn't  
seem to like SIP 4.8 dev.  I need to try qwt 5.2.

I'm not sure about 1.0.2.  I've gotten so used to the Xcode build for  
trunk/1.1 that I'm rusty on my scripts for packaging 1.0.  I'll see  
what I can do.

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

"Those people who most want to rule people are, ipso-facto, those  
least suited to do it."

- A rule of the universe, from the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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