[Qgis-developer] 2 new plugins... very alpha

Maciej Sieczka msieczka at sieczka.org
Wed Feb 4 16:01:32 EST 2009

Aaron Racicot pisze:

> 2) MirrorMap - This is a plugin to split the map canvas area into two
>  distinct map canvas's. the original map canvas on the left and a new
> map canvas on the right.  When you launch this tool you will see a
> small pop-up dialog with buttons to load a vector or raster layer,
> remove the mirror canvas, or close the dialog.  This dialog is tied
> to the right hand canvas. Layers added to that canvas intentionally
> do not show up in the main legend and the user currently has no way
> to change preferences of the layer in the right panel.

Just an idea, 0.01 PLN worth - it would be great to use this approach in
the georeferencer plugin. This would allow for better workspace
utilization and more convenient user interface.


Maciej Sieczka

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