[Qgis-developer] GRASS modules problems

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Wed Jul 15 06:07:12 EDT 2009

Paolo Cavallini ha scritto:

> - r.mapcalc sometimes takes the wrong list of rasters (one of the names
> is duplicated, and masks the real name of another layer - playing around
> with those rasters with wrong names, I has a nasty crash of the whole qgis

Ticket open - Lorenzo is working on this.

> - importing PosGIS layers is difficult or impossible: if I define the db
> connection so that grass can access the postgis db, it tries to write it
> back there; if I define a connection towards a different db where I want
> to write (eg a dbf or sqlite) it cannot find the PostGIS db

Solved using v.in.ogr.qgis

> - in db.connect we shoud set up a fixed "schema=" option, so that if in
> db.connect.schema a connection schema has been defined, this gets
> overwritten every time a d.connect is called; otherwise, the schema is
> called every time, and db.connect fails.

We'll work on his.
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc

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