[Qgis-developer] [Fwd: Re: [Qgis-user] Poll on website]

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Fri Jul 17 03:35:03 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I don't know if you can rely on download figures at all. People can 
repeatedly install from one download. Other people install the svn 
version (which I assume you don't see in the download statistics). Also, 
there are downloads at other places (Linux packages, OSGeo, etc.) Then 
even if people download the 1.0 version a lot you still don't know if 
they actually use it, or just try it out and don't use it.

I still think that the 1.0 version is way too limited to do serious GIS 
work and would suggest that the QGIS team concentrates on the 1.1 and 
1.2 releases as stated by others. As other people stated, the 1.0 
release is not more stable than the unstable version (this is my 
experience as well). I think QGIS is great and evolving quickly, but it 
still has a lot to catch up compared to commercial GIS that has been 
developed for 10-20 years already. For this reason I'd say release often 
at the current stage - at least 1-2 times per year and then move to 
longer release cycles once QGIS matures.

One of the big advantages QGIS currently has, is that I (as a 
user/customer) can get in new features relatively quickly (compared to 
commercial GIS). QGIS should use this advantage and release often.

Just my opion.


Jürgen E. Fischer wrote:
> Hi Paolo,
> On Wed, 15. Jul 2009 at 18:26:39 +0200, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
>>> But I also believe that any manpower spend on 1.0 is mostly wasted - no matter
>>> how tiny.
>> This is also what the poll is saying, apparently.
> But the download figures[1] look much different.   There the 1.0 version does
> seem to have a much larger userbase than the later versions...
> So we might be wrong after all.
> Jürgen
> [1] http://download.osgeo.org/logs

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