Fwd: [Qgis-developer] Qgis for Openmoko ?

Joseph Reeves iknowjoseph at gmail.com
Sat Mar 21 08:02:10 EDT 2009

Hi Marco,

Thanks for this information - all looks very interesting. I had
previously mentioned to this list about running QGIS on the Openmoko,
but didn't have the skills to make it happen myself. I look forward to
trying out your version.

You're right, Nokia have dropped QT Extended, but it seems to have
been kept afloat (for now) by the community as the snappily titled QT
Extended Improved:


It would be interesting to see this running on the more mainstream
distributions, however.

Cheers, Joseph

2009/3/20 Marco Hugentobler <nhugent at hispeed.ch>:
> Hi Kimaidou and Steven
> Yes, I'm using QGIS on my openmoko with qt-extended 4.4.2. But it is far from
> a productive state, it was more like a project for some evening during the
> christmas time and now I unfortunatelly don't have time to work on it anymore.
> Still it is quite usefull for me as it displays the GPS coordinate and I can
> load a tiff file, zoom and pan and show a red circle at the current position.
> Some things are hardcoded at the moment (e.g. the transformation from wgs84 to
> the swiss coordinate system).
> The application is not QGIS with all the dialogs. The application has its own
> small gui and just links to qgis_core. The speed is not very fast but still
> quite good for mobile use (ca. 2sec. delay for pans on a 25 mbyte tiff).
> I'm uploading the cross-compiled libraries and (modified) qgis sources to the
> link below. The sources need to be modified because in qt extended, some
> classes don't exist (e.g. QCursor)
> http://karlinapp.ethz.ch/openmoko/
> Regards,
> Marco
> P.S: I heared two weeks ago that Nokia does not continue the development of
> qt-extended. So it probably would make sense to build upon another platform
> now.
> Am Freitag 20 März 2009 09:45:54 schrieb kimaidou:
>> Hi
>> Thanks for the information. I would love to be one of the beta testers :D
>> If Marco is around...
>> Kimaidou
>> 2009/3/19 Tim Sutton <lists at linfiniti.com>
>> > HiMarco Hugentobler has already made a basic port of QGIS to openMoko.
>> > Its not released anywhere yet and has only basic functionality. In order
>> > to do a more complete port it would be needed to build up an entirely new
>> > UI suitable for the mobile platform.
>> >
>> > Regards
>> >
>> > Tim
>> >
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> --
> Dr. Marco Hugentobler
> HUGIS - GIS Programmierung und Beratung Hugentobler
> Honrainweg 5
> CH-8038 Zürich
> nhugent at hispeed.ch
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