[Qgis-developer] cannot build qgis with python inside osgeo4w: python isn't detected

Tim Sutton lists at linfiniti.com
Sat Mar 28 08:11:04 EDT 2009

Hash: SHA1


G. Allegri wrote:
> I'm on the way to finish my build of qgis_unstable with osgeo4w, but
> I'm blocked because of python bindings. Even if I set all the
> requestes tags in cmakesetup (ie
> PYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=C:/OSGeo4W/bin/python.exe), cmake says it
> cannot build it. I premit that I've downloaded all the required deps
> with osgeo4w setup.
> Cmake can find Python if enable my registry keys about my system
> Python25. I had disabled them because cmake detected them, and put the
> paths (like C:\Python25) in the related makefiles. The consequence
> were errors, because it tried to build the undetected core.pyd,
> gui.pyd, in that path...
> So the question is: why cmake shouldn't/couldn't use the paths I set
> with cmakesetup?
> Giovanni
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One other thing to check is that you have run the osgeo shell
environment bat script before running cmakesetup.



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Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
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