AW: [Qgis-developer]

Borys Jurgiel borysiasty at
Mon May 18 06:29:05 EDT 2009

Marco wrote:
> Right, it makes sense to only consider strings from src and python directory.

Nobody objects, so I've commited the change.

> Btw, when compiling current trunk, I get the following error message. Is this
> a related problem?

For me (Qt 4.4) it works without any error.

Werner wrote:
> There has something changed between Qt 4.3 and Qt 4.5 - and it seems 
> that always the copyright sign is making some problems ..
> I still dont know where exactly the problem lies and what causes it ..
> maybe the linguist version of qt4.5?

It's always mysterious for me that various lupdates (and lreleases) work in very 
different ways. For example, some of them add lines with origins of source 
strings while other don't. The coding of the copyright mark may be also 
different. I can't find any way to customize that behaviour.

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