[Qgis-developer] Re: Shaded Relief python plugin available pyqgis, org

Andreas Plesch andreasplesch at netscape.net
Mon Sep 28 12:31:47 EDT 2009

Hi Christy,

> I've noticed that there's no way to specify a scale factor between horizontal
> and vertical units (e.g. if the DEM is in decimal degrees, and the vertical
> units are meters).  I use the gdaldem tools to make hillshades right now,
> and it allows you to specify such a scale factor (Feet:Latlong use
> scale=370400, Meters:LatLong use scale=111120  - see
> http://www.gdal.org/gdaldem.html).

The vertical exaggeration factor was intended to be used for that
purpose but I did not allow a sufficiently small scaling there
(1/111120 for m or 1/370400 for ft). I updated the plugin and uploaded
it to the repo with just that change. See if you can use it that way

Glad that you like the plugin,


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