[Qgis-developer] PostGIS plugins menu

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Sun Aug 15 05:38:48 EDT 2010

Il 15/08/2010 11:13, MORREALE Jean Roc ha scritto:

> Adding an item to the top menu bar should be avoided, if it is done for
> each extension (like cadtools or manageR already do) or group of
> extensions (the same reasonning could be applied for R, etc.) this bar
> will soon become too long to be seen on a 17" or a netbook. In the end
> it'll just move the mess from a menu list to the main menu toolbar.

Hi Jaean Roc.
In principle I agree, but I see PostGIS (or perhaps even better: Database) as a
general menu, just like Vector and Raster. In the Vienna hackmeeting we agreed in
lumping plugins in categories, and I think Database should be one of these.
In any case, we have to group plugins somehow, currently even for a moderate
installation it is impossible to see all the icons.
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc

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