Re: [Qgis-developer] Spatialite ’select’ statement as vector layer in QGIS

Noli Sicad nsicad at
Wed Dec 8 18:29:28 EST 2010

Hi Ricardo,

Can you make your plugin available for download or included in the
plugin repository?

I like to try it!

BTW, there is Shapefile 'select' statement plugin [1] as vector layer
in QGIS in MMGIS plugin. It works quite well.


Thanks in advance.

Regards, Noli

On 12/9/10, Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da
<ricardo.garcia.silva at> wrote:
> Hi all
> In fact, I have a plugin that allows to load custom spatialite queries
> to the map canvas. I started it as a pet project, to see if I could
> improve my Qt skills ;)
> Currently it is really crude. I can make it available at the
> experimental repository if you are interested.
> My initial goal was to make something that could be made to work for
> spatialite and postgis alike. Currently, only the spatialite part
> works (and just barely).
> I was trying to make a more stripped plugin, that I could just use to
> write some SQL and see the results in 3 ways:
> - directly over the map canvas, creating a temporary layer (that
> cannot be edited), a la RT SQL style  <- this already works and it
> seems to be what you want;
> - saving a new layer to the database, based on the query, and
> immediately loading it to the canvas <- not implemented (yet);
> - just making a normal query, without visualizing the results in the
> map canvas <- not implemented (yet).

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