Re: [Qgis-developer] Spatialite ’select’ statement as vector layer in QGIS

Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da ricardo.garcia.silva at
Thu Dec 9 05:38:58 EST 2010


I have uploaded my plugin to the contributed repository. I marked it
as experimental. It is called 'Custom DB query'. I did a bit of
cleaning up and even managed to get the 'normal query' feature to

So, by now you can:

- run an SQL query and choose to view the result in the map canvas or
in a table format. This is only working for spatialite layers. Postgis
will come later.

Beware that I am not parsing the SQL in any way! So please be careful
about what SQL queries you write, that can potentially damage your
database. If you stick to SELECT statements it is OK.

I didn't mean to bring one more spatial db plugin to the table, when
there are currently so many ;)
I will retire this one in due time.

___________________________ ___ __
Ricardo Garcia Silva

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