[Qgis-developer] Raster calculator

Pavol Kapusta pavol.kapusta at gmail.com
Thu Dec 9 19:28:49 EST 2010


today i used this great improvement for the first time and created 
almost 40 new rasters thanks raster calculator. For first big thank 
to////Marco Hugentobler.

I would like to post here some reflections:

- it will be great if the dialog for calculator will not be closed after 
every clicking on OK button,

- it will be also great if the "Add results to project" checkbox default 
state was checked,

-and it will be absolutely great if the calculator will remember the 
path to last used directory for output layers.

The ability to use equality operators is great, but what i really miss 
in comparison with GRASS Map algebra is the ability to use logical 
operators. These are really useful in complicated expressions.

BTW: Is there any way, how to set color map for raster layers defaultly 
to pseudocolor, at least for one band rasters?

Once more big thank

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