Re: best.Re: [Qgis-developer] Spatialite ’select’ statement as vector layer in QGIS

Noli Sicad nsicad at
Sun Dec 12 18:28:45 EST 2010

Hi Ricardo,

Nice plugin.

One suggestion, I think it would be good to add "Table" in the tab so
we can see the attributes of the table we want to queries and

      Query - Table - Result

You can lift / copy the codes from Spatialite Manager and PostGIS
Manager plugins. You can probably put a check box as well for the
Spatiial and PostGIS in the "Table" as well.

The "Preview"? It is one o you if you want to include it as well :-).


Regards, Noli

On 12/13/10, Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da
<ricardo.garcia.silva at> wrote:
> Hi Paolo, all
> Uploaded a new version (v0.3) of the 'Custom DB query' plugin.
> I've added it to the 'database' menu. Also, it is now possible to save
> the result of the SQL query as a new table in its corresponding
> database.
> So, to summarize, you can run SQL queries over postgis or spatialite
> databases and get the results:
> - in a table view
> - as a 'real time' layer displayed over the map canvas
> - as a new table, that gets saved to the database and is immediately
> loaded to the map canvas
> It is still pretty raw, so I'm keeping it in the 'experimental'
> section, but it seems to work OK with my small test datasets.
> --
> ___________________________ ___ __
> Ricardo Garcia Silva
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