[Qgis-developer] python code

Muhammad Abu Hasan mdabuhasan at gmail.com
Thu Dec 9 21:16:13 EST 2010

Dear All,

i have create python plugin for QGIS ,but now i have to modify some code , i
have logic in my mind but i need help to write it in python , any of you
,please help me to write python code regarding the following logic

When  relytion type = 2

           If   x= new obj

          Y= new obj

Then insert object to postgis

Else mesg “this object already exist in database”

When relation type=3

If  x= new obj

     Y = new obj

      Z = new obj

Then insert data into postgis

Else msg”this data already exist in database”

 i am sorry for my request but if you have time to help , i would be happy
for that

 with best regards

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