[Qgis-developer] New developments QGIS mapserver

Marco Hugentobler marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch
Thu Jul 8 04:54:21 EDT 2010

Hi devs

I'd like to announce some news from the QGIS mapserver project 
(http://karlinapp.ethz.ch/qgis_wms/). The new version contains some 
improvements that are really convenient, especially for QGIS desktop users:

- It is now possible to publish a QGIS project as a WMS by moving the project 
file (qgs) to the same directory as the QGIS mapserver executable. 
QGIS mapserver then will pick up exactly the same settings as in the project 
file (including symbology-ng, labeling-ng, scale dependent visibility, ...). So 
it is now very easy to setup a WMS server with QGIS desktop / QGIS mapserver.

However, keep attention to save absolute pathes to the project file, otherwise 
the server cannot find file based layers and svg symbols. Also, it is important 
that project layers have the right CRS assigned.

- QGIS mapserver now provides the GetLegendGraphics operation. If there is a 
composer legend in the project file, QGIS mapserver tries to take the font 
settings from there.

- Legend groups in the project files are exported as WMS layer groups

- Performance has been improved by caching the content of the configuration file 
and the coordinate systems for epsg numbers. Like that, frequent file  access 
to config file and srs.db can be avoided. 
Also, the alpha channel is now only used if the WMS transparent parameter is 
true. So now, performance is quite fast.

As soon as QGIS 1.5 is out and we have binary packages, I'll do another 
announcement also on the user list. At the moment, it is necessary to compile 
from source (so ideal for early adopters). But it is very convenient with 
cmake (thanks to Tim). 

The source code can be downloaded with a git client: 'git clone 
http://github.com/pka/qgis_map_server.git'. In the cmake variables, insert the 
location of the QGIS libs, headers and providers and your fcgi dir. 
Then do 'make', 'sudo make install'.

Finally I'd like to thank the city of Uster for funding these developments, as 
well as the European FP6 projects Orchestra (http://www.eu-orchestra.org/) and 
SANY (http://sany-ip.eu/) for funding the initial development of QGIS 


Dr. Marco Hugentobler
Sourcepole -  Linux & Open Source Solutions
Webereistrasse 66, 8134 Adliswil, Switzerland
marco.hugentobler at sourcepole.ch http://www.sourcepole.ch
Technical Advisor QGIS Project Steering Committee

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