[Qgis-developer] Plugins with unsatisfied dependencies

Giuseppe Sucameli brush.tyler at gmail.com
Mon Jul 26 18:31:48 EDT 2010

Hi devs,
I found some plugins which throw an error if there are unsatisfied

ThanI investigate the problem and I found that the error is due to
the position of the "import" clause in the __init__.py file.

To resolve it, the "import plugin_name" should be moved into the
classFactory function.

Here an example:

def classFactory(iface):
    from plugin import Plugin
    return Plugin(iface)

I guess this could help to avoid the error installing plugins.
Would be useful if everyone checks his plugins.

In this moment I found Contour and HomeRange_plugin, but could
be more than 2.


Giuseppe Sucameli
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