[Qgis-developer] QGIS plugin repo [was: Value Tool]

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Mon Jun 14 00:34:50 EDT 2010

Thanks for the replies, and the interest on my proposal. I think the issues are:

- separate trac, or a branch of the current one?
- administering users: the plugin http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/SvnAuthzAdminPlugin is
certainly useful, but the current administrator should decide which one is the most
convenient for him (BTW: who is managing SVN permissions now?)
- user permissions: I do not think we need a complex many-to-many relation between
authors and plugins (could be a nightmare to administer): I suggest we can trust our
authors (we are dealing with third-party plugins, after all), and grant permissions
to the whole qgis-addons tree; this will also make easier for all authors to give a
hand to other projects when needed
- how to release: our script make a new release for every commit for experimental;
when it's ready, we commit to the stable branch, and it get autoreleased; I think it
is simple and efficient (it can certainly be improved, though)
- svn or git: I vote for svn, so to keep the same structure for the whole of qgis; we
can move everything to git when needed, but keeping two different systems is
potentially confusing and discouraging
- main repo as proxy: +1 for me; let's remove additional repos, to be used as sandbox

If we can solve the few above-mentioned questions, I think we can implement this
rather easily and quickly.
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc

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