[Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-user] CRS for a start
Milena Nowotarska
do.milenki at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 19:05:23 EDT 2010
Hi Maxim,
2010/3/21 Maxim Dubinin <sim at gis-lab.info>:
> Hi
> I agree that some improvements can be made, but I'd suggest to make
> some of the suggested ones configurable through Settings.
> MN> a) set the projection for a project file/working environment from the
> MN> first loaded layer if it has the projection information
> Yes, if such behavior is wanted by QGIS user and certain checkbox is
> "on" in Settings. I would avoid making this decision for the user
> automatically. So default - "off".
+1 and ticked once should stay default for further use
> MN> b) prompt for projection information if the layer does not have it
> No. This will slow down work for those who just want to see the data
> or make some quick edits. Again, this can be configurable in a)
> fasion.
> MN> c) inform in a popup window when the projection of next loaded layers
> MN> do not match the projection already set in the working environment
> MN> (when reprojection on the fly is not ticked)
> +1
> MN> Now, as I personally use metric reference systems (2180, 2176, 2177),
> MN> every time I open a layer, I have to set the proper CRS.
> Why don't you create a prj file then?
I do have prj for these layers, but layer prj do not affect QGIS
environment in any way now.
> MN> I mean in QGIS I can open now a holiday photo, go to layer properties
> MN> and get an impresion from it's metadata, that it is already
> MN> georeferenced:
> MN> "Layer Spatial Reference System:
> MN> +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
> MN> which is of course not true. But we have to think about novice GIS
> MN> users who might either go dizzy or get bad habits.
> I agree, the layer properties should not use this as default if prj is
> missing or should clearly indicate somehow that this is a guessed CRS,
> not necessarily a real one.
> Maxim
Milena Nowotarska
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