[Qgis-developer] PyQGIS cookbook

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Wed May 5 09:34:19 EDT 2010

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 2:17 PM, Düster Horst <Horst.Duester at bd.so.ch> wrote:
> Martin
> Your cookbook looks very fine. We also should discuss to publish more
> complex issues like the communiation between maptools and other tools p.e.
> +1!

 Cookbook idea is ace. Would be great if it was as easy for people to
edit as a wiki. Or maybe keep it all in SVN/hg and publish it

 Maybe cookbook recipes need tags, and versions, so qgis chefs can see
what they can use with a particular qgis version? And dates, and maybe
voting.. Or have I gone too far now?

 Something like the zope cookbook?



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