[Qgis-developer] current state of r.li

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Fri Nov 12 07:50:13 EST 2010

Hi all.
Sorry for crossposting. As some of you know, the r.li suite of GRASS 
commands allows landscape analyses[0]. Its interface is rather complex, 
and is still in TclTk, not ported to either wxpython or qgis. As such, 
it is now more difficult to use than it should be, and it will become 
unusable when TclTk support will be dropped.
The possible solution (thanks Radim) is to rewrite the interface as a 
qgis python plugin. It should not be a huge work (we provisionally 
estimate 2-3 weeks).
The question is: is there anybody willing to invest either his/her time, 
or some money, to write such a plugin?
We (Faunalia) would be happy to help if necessary.
All the best.


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