[Qgis-developer] Plugin GdalTools - Build Virtual Raster (catalog) idea to develop

Santiago Lastra santiago.lastra at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 12:01:05 EST 2010

Hi everybody.
Recently I've found this very interesting and useful tool, at least for me.
I will propose two ways to improve the tool:
- The tool right now offers the user the possibility to select as many files
as he wants inside a directory. I propose to give also the possibility to
define only a directory that contains raster files (of every kind), with a
check box to give the oportunity to follow the subdirectories of the first
- I think it's better to explain my problem and I think you will understand
the reason of my second proposal. I have directories with up to 2000 raster
files or even more. If you try the tool as is and if you select "add to
canvas", it takes several minutes to load and see the virtual raster catalog
(VRT) into QGIS, but if I zoom in to the right scale QGIS move the images
very quickly. What I suggest is to add in the dialog the possibility to
define the "scale dependent visibility" when the VRT is added to the TOC of
Thanks for you efforts.
Santiago Lastra
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