[Qgis-developer] Interlis support of OGR inside QGIS (make it
default? modify make files? Windows but not only...)
Andreas Neumann
a.neumann at carto.net
Mon Oct 18 11:44:18 EDT 2010
Hi Stefan,
I use the plugin on Windows (OSGeo4W) and Linux.
Are you using the OSGeo4W installer or the Windows standalone installer? I
have only experience with the OSGeo4W installer, which I believe comes
with Interlis support out of the box. At least it works on several of our
windows machines. It may be that you manually have to copy the ili2c.jar
fileinto a path reachable by osgeo. You can copy ili2c.jar to
\OSGeo4Wroot\bin (on my machines it is C:\Programme\OSGeo4W\bin). Since
ili2c.jar is based on Java, you also need Java.
Also, with OSGeo4W you have to use at least QGIS 1.5 or trunk (qgis-dev).
I have no experience with the Windows standalone installation. It may be
that the OGR included with that version does not support Interlis.
Hope this helps. The goal should be have Interlis support enabled by
default - I agree.
On Mon, October 18, 2010 4:25 pm, Stefan Keller wrote:
> I'm trying to use OGR in whatever plugin under QGIS and Windows XP.
> The error reported in a QGIS window is "The GDAL/OGR library you are
> using has been compiled without Interlis support".
> I think you (and Horst too) are using Linux, so it seems to me I'm the
> first user of the Interlis plugin :->?
> The plugin "Interlis" (Python) mentioned before is the one from Marco
> (via http://karlinapp.ethz.ch/python_plugins/python_plugins.xml)
> => Or do you mean another one?
> Looking inside <settings>\.qgis\python\plugins\interlis\interlisplugin.py
> there is an obious test:
> Interlis support".
>> def run(self):
>> fileFilters = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().fileVectorFilters()
>> if not fileFilters.contains("Interlis", Qt.CaseInsensitive):
>> QMessageBox.critical(None,
>> QCoreApplication.translate("InterlisPlugin","No Interlis
>> support available"),
>> QCoreApplication.translate("InterlisPlugin","The
>> GDAL/OGR library you are
>> using has been compiled
>> without
>> Interlis
>> support"))
> Replacing C:\Programs\OSGeo4W\bin\ogr2ogr.exe did'nt help neither
> which is weird, because calling the same ogr2ogr.exe out of a Windows
> shell reports
> -f "Interlis 1"
> -f "Interlis 2"
> as possible values.
> Yours, S.
> 2010/10/18 Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net>:
>> Hi Stefan,
>> You should use Marco Hugentoblers Interlis plugin to load files, which,
>> like you said uses OGR. It just makes the OGR handling easier and allows
>> to select only certain topics/tables.
>> What exactly is the problem? What error message are you getting?
>> I believe that Interlis should be enabled by default by QGIS 1.5 or QGIS
>> 1.6. It works on my machine for small and medium sized itf's but fails
>> for
>> big itfs. I haven't tested Interlis 2 so far.
>> Andreas
>> On Mon, October 18, 2010 12:14 pm, Stefan Keller wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to import/export INTERLIS geodata inside QGIS under Windows
>>> (XP Professional) - but had no luck so far.
>>> There are two QGIS plugins around, "OGR Converter" (C++) and
>>> "Interlis" (Python) which obviously call OGR/GDAL libraries.
>>> "OGR Converter" doesn't list Interlis format and "Interlis" plugin
>>> reports "The GDAL/OGR library you are using has beend compiled without
>>> Interlis support".
>>> I'm talking about INTERLIS format version 1 and 2 (read/write).
>>> I fear that the default make files for GDAL/OGR do not include
>>> INTERLIS libraries.
>>> I know also that there is a problem - at least under Windows and MacOS
>>> - of ogr/gdal accessing java jar packages (ili2.jar) unless they are
>>> copied in the default library search path - or even in every directory
>>> where programs and data reside.
>>> 1.Can anybody involved in delivering the (Windows) binaries and in
>>> committing to the "OGR Converter" and "Interlis" plugins have a look
>>> at this problem?
>>> => To me an optimal solution would be, that Interlis support is
>>> included by default in all QGIS deliveries.
>>> 2. Is there any workaround? Eventually I can replace the GDAL/OGR .dll
>>> (.so) myself?
>>> Yours, S.
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>> --
>> Andreas Neumann
>> http://www.carto.net/neumann/
>> http://www.svgopen.org/
Andreas Neumann
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