[Qgis-developer] Python dynamic forms

luca_manganelli at comune.trento.it luca_manganelli at comune.trento.it
Thu Sep 16 03:15:02 EDT 2010

Bernhard Ströbl <Bernhard.Stroebl at jena.de> scritti il 16/09/2010 08.41.12

> Hi Luca,

> what is the advantage? (I am curious)

> regards

> Bernhard

Because it's integrated into QT framework.

Again, in my QGIS 1.5 Windows install if I do this at Python Console:

>>> import psycopg2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
File "U:/Applicazioni/qgis-1.5.0-2/apps/qgis/./python\qgis\utils.py", line
291, in _import
ImportError: No module named psycopg2


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