[Qgis-developer] QGis AutoGCP Plugin

Benoit de Cabissole benoit at exigesa.com
Wed Sep 29 12:18:46 EDT 2010

Hi Francois,

If you are in Python, you could use GDAL with something like the following:

import osr
theProj4Str = "+proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=6378249.144808011
+b=6356514.966204134 +units=m +no_defs"
outSr = osr.SpatialReference()
outWkt = outSr.ExportToWkt()

and use outWkt as the 'dst_wtk' parameter for raster creation.


 -----Original Message-----
From: qgis-developer-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:qgis-developer-bounces at lists.osgeo.org]On Behalf Of Francois Maass
Sent: Wednesday, 29 September 2010 17:33
To: qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [Qgis-developer] QGis AutoGCP Plugin

  Hello everyone!

  I've been struggling with this for quite some time now, but I can't seem
to find the proper solution.  We need to set the projection definition to
provided datasets, and have, up to now, been doing it by using our own
projection dialog. We now want to change our plugin to use the, already
implemented, QGIS projection dialog.

  So my question is as follows:

  Is there a way to convert a projection definition such as those returned
by the QGIS projection dialog
     +proj=utm +zone=36 +south +a=6378249.144808011 +b=6356514.966204134
+units=m +no_defs

  to the extended form such as the following:

     PROJCS["UTM Zone 36, Southern Hemisphere",GEOGCS["Unknown datum based
upon the Clarke 1880 ellipsoid",DATUM["Not specified (based on Clarke 1880

  The reason for this is that the GDAL functions for setting the projection
definition, only accepts the extended form.  If this is already implemented
in a QGIS or other class that you know of, I would greatly appreciate it.
(I don't think I am qualified enough to attempt doing it myself. J )

  Thank you for your time and efforts!
  Francois Maass
  Foxhat Solutions
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