[Qgis-developer] Re: some notes on building SAGA and its python bindings under Windows (to test and use Qgis-SAGA plugin)

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Tue Apr 12 12:40:06 EDT 2011

Il giorno mar, 12/04/2011 alle 04.05 -0300, Camilo Polymeris ha scritto:

> http://github.com/polymeris/qgis/wiki
> I can move some of that to the QGIS wiki and add the info I find in
> the threads. Is that what you mean?
> If so, an admin would have to create an account for me.
> Else, I can expand the above wiki.

I think this is the best option, at least for now.
All the best.

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