[Qgis-developer] wps bakeoff? anyone interested

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 03:19:23 EST 2011

After foss4g last year there was the idea of doing a bit of a wps bake off or something :-)

I am checking in with the various development teams to see if anyone is interested.

While the various server teams are interested in getting to benchmarks (in classic shootout style) - I am more interested in keeping them honest and checking the interpretability side of things.  To be honest seeing another handcrafted xml request sent to a wps leaves me a bit cold. I would like to make sure the various describe process information is being handled correctly to the point where wps clients can manage to make a request safely.

I understand qgis has a shiney wps plugin; so is the development team interested in taking part?

This week I am just making contact and collecting interested parties. 

If you are interested in taking part; please consider a couple of points.
a) what are you expecting out of the process?
b) please check that you have enough time as a team take part


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