[Qgis-developer] Qgis usability tests
yilmaz asli
aslimail2me at gmail.com
Sun Feb 13 13:26:11 EST 2011
Hi Andreas,
I think, when it comes to overall results of the study, the participants
were positive to the software even it was their first usage. It was
difficult and unusual for them as they get used to do these operations on
other gis software interface. Therefore, this might have brought negative
effect, as I stated in the paper. The interface is totally out of their
mental model. Once they got used to it, things would be better. I
rememberred one participant saying I would do my further digizations in this
software I found it very practical although he made errors and it took time
to finish it. I tried to express the participants' views and make
generalizations, but it might not be that much healthy with 5 participants.
More participant input would be better.
I agree with you, with different types of users the study can be extended.
May be during the first learning stage of gis software at university, at gis
lab, this can be tested. Both usage of qgis and other software interface by
the students can be compared. But I am not sure, people unfamilliar to GIS
can do the tasks without help. Also, another usability study can be
generated with experienced Qgis users.
In the study, especially while giving the guidelines I tried to keep things
general without comparing with other software. I believe that the interface
can be unique or unfamilliar which is really appreciated by me and many
people. But in terms of usability, there can be some general and critical
points that can be really helpful in designing any interface. The layout or
the usage can be totally different from standing versions but can really
fascinate at first look. I can give the example of apple products. They are
totally different and unique but people are preferring them day by day.
I really apreciate and like your way of study and had the chance to meet
with your products. And you are welcome, if I could made a litttle
On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 12:16 PM, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net>wrote:
> Hi,
> One issue, if you are testing with users familiar with other GIS, is that
> they are biased towards a specific product. If you test with a ArcGIS or
> MapInfo user they will regard anything that behaves different as inferior or
> difficult.
> For this reason it would be interesting to have study with users who are
> completely new to a GIS and haven't used a different product before. Did you
> consider to do a study with people unfamiliar with GIS? Just because ArcGIS
> or Mapinfo does something one way, it doesn't mean that we need to copy this
> behavior (like gvSIG does it with ArcView 3). It is similar with terms. Just
> because ArcGIS defines something, it does not mean it is the best, generally
> understandable and expected term.
> Nevertheless your study is very interesting - thank you for conducting it
> and sharing it. It shows that there is still a lot do regarding usability
> and it provides some concrete hints where we could improve.
> The Georectification task is something where I also experienced with my
> users that they weren't able to do complete everything without my help. This
> particular task, while technically solved and functionality wise complete,
> would need some additional help and guiding, especially for new users.
> I will have to study your report in more detail to draw more conclusions.
> Thank you very much for your contribution!
> Andreas
> On 2/11/11 12:15 PM, yilmaz asli wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to attach the report but it is blocked some how, needs
> administors' acception, I think..
> thanks,
> Aslı
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 9:10 AM, yilmaz asli <aslimail2me at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Nathan,
>> Ok. In two weeks, I am going to finalize and share it on the mailing list.
>> Thanks for your interest.
>> Aslı.
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Aslı Yılmaz
Industrial Designer METU'05
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