[Qgis-developer] Re: New Symbology : merge borders on nodes for
kimaidou at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 08:13:24 EST 2011
By the way, the SLD specifications uses the terme "FeatureTypeStyle" : I
think it's a good candidate :)
See http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/styling/sld-cookbook/lines.html
2011/2/17 kimaidou <kimaidou at gmail.com>
> Thanks Martin for your explanation !
> I know understand why and how activating "symbol levels" has an effect of
> the rendering of my linestrings :)
> As you have seen, I am no native english speaker, so I am not able to help
> find the proper vocabulary. (I do not like substyle any more :) )
> We need to look at Mapserver, OpenLayers, GeoServers, SLD cookbook to find
> which terms they use, IMHO.
> Kimaidou
> 2011/2/17 Martin Dobias <wonder.sk at gmail.com>
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 1:33 PM, kimaidou <kimaidou at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > 2011/2/17 Carson Farmer <carson.farmer at gmail.com>
>> >>
>> >> Perhaps 'Symbol layer ordering' or simply 'layer order'?
>> >
>> > I dislike "layer order" as it is confusing : do we speak of layers from
>> the
>> > canvas ? Or "style" layers ?
>> > For me we should use the term "layer" in Qgis only for vector and raster
>> > layers
>> Frankly, with the introduction of symbology-ng I have created some
>> mess in the terminology and I am not sure how to get out of this.
>> Where are the problems:
>> - "style" - before the style referred to Layer style (i.e. renderer,
>> labeling). symbology-ng uses this term for a collection of symbols
>> (and other visual items)
>> - "color ramp" - a convenient source of colors for symbology-ng.
>> Shouldn't that be called a "colormap" since it could be either a color
>> gradient, colors from a palette or just a bunch of random colors?
>> - "layer" - there are map layers and there are symbol layers. I think
>> that generally speaking, a layer always means a map layer.
>> - "categorized" / "graduated" renderer - I remember Carson raising the
>> discussion that these terms are not very clear
>> An insight from a english native speaker and preferably a user of
>> several GIS would be valuable. It would be good to disambiguate the
>> terms.
>> > Shouldnt we use a different terme for styles within one vector layer ?
>> > We could name them "substyles"
>> > This way "Symbol Levels" would become "substyle order"
>> Personally I do not like the term substyle order.
>> > So correct me if I am wrong, but you can define the order with 2
>> different
>> > manners :
>> > * A/ use the arrows in [1] (left side of the ui) to change the order of
>> the
>> > different styles
>> > * B/ click on "symbol levels" and change the integers in the table :
>> this
>> > 2nd manner overwrite the first, no ?
>> No, it is more complex. Normally when a renderer renders a map layer,
>> for each feature it renders symbol layers one by one and proceeds to
>> another feature. By enabling symbol levels you tell the renderer that
>> it should first render first symbol layer of each feature and then
>> render second symbol layer of each feature. The numbers in the symbol
>> level table tell in what pass a symbol layer will be drawn (smaller
>> number = drawing earlier).
>> This probably needs a better introduction in a blog post or
>> documentation with examples.
>> Martin
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