[Qgis-developer] Re: SDA4PP Kernel density troubleshooting

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 17:22:02 EDT 2011


> > Well, I have no intention to ruin your mood, I'm just not experienced at
> > all. So, I am sorry, if this whole thing annoys you. 

no problem at all

> understand what you're talking about.

not a QGIS problem, installing R under Windows and having it available
system wide is cumbersome. Is easier under Linux.

> I had installed a R 2.10.1 (or the installer did). So, is it still needed to
> install 2.11?

No, any 2.9 < R < 2.12 should be ok

You can use also R >= 2.12, you'll need a workaround


"R >=2.12: From this version on, the R.dll location has changed, so it
isn't found automagically by rpy2. It raises a Unable to locate R.dll
error. You can fix that by editing or creating the RHOME variable,
pointing to the correct location. See the instructions above, and the
thread on the Animove mailing list"

> the path to the R binaries in the Windows "path" environment variable,
> install the necessary libraries (see the plugin documentation) and, under
> Vista/Seven, copy the folder with the R libraries in another location./


install R

put the path to R binaries into the "Path" windows environment variable

install the necessary R libraries -> the plugin itself has a tool to
install the R libraries it needs, but I would advice you to install them
with the  R console

if you have Vista or Seven you will have then to copy the entire folder
that contains the R libraries into another folder, otherwise the plugin
will not work (I believe you can blame Windows for this)





> Where can I find that path or environment? And by the way, I use Win XP
> 32-bit.

you see clearly how to set it in the screencast I linked in my previous

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Raster file: C:/Documents and Settings/DartVader/Plocha/zk.tif is created.
> It seems that the layer is not valid or could not be added to Qgis.
> The problem can be related with gdal library or python-gdal binding.
> Please check the installation of gdal libraries.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

can you add manually the output to QGIS?


-- Giovanni --

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