[Qgis-developer] Re: MeteoIO

Robert Szczepanek robert at szczepanek.pl
Mon Jun 27 16:27:32 EDT 2011

Hi Mathias,

W dniu 27.06.2011 20:40, Mathias Bavay pisze:
> *we also offer a bunch of spatial interpolation algorithms (the kriging
> is not yet 100% finished, but almost). These are the tools that you need
> to transform point measurements in distributed values over a DEM (we use
> it for meteorological parameters, the whole thing was initially invented
> for mining)

> In such a context, we could then provide transparent
> access to lots of meteorological+DEM data. This could for example allow
> a user to simply define his base layer, select a meteorological
> parameter (like air temperature) and get spatially interpolated values
> on his DEM... I think that it would potentially be very nice.

Your project looks nice and could be very valuable especially with 
respect to current "QGIS for water" discussion on this list.
Interpolation procedures, solar radiation and meteo data access sounds 


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