[Qgis-developer] Shapefile: prj vs qpj (CRS info)

Luiz Motta motta.luiz at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 07:47:19 EST 2011

Hi Benoit,

I created a new shapefile by QGIS with same CRS of Town (EPSG 32630).

The QGIS created two files of projections: PRJ and  QPJ.

The PRJ have the same value of yours (Town.prj) but the QPJ donĀ“t have
same value (see below):

1) Default -PRJ :


2) Create by QGIS - QPJ :

PROJCS["UTM Zone 30, Northern Hemisphere",GEOGCS["WGS

The QGIS read CRS only by QPJ value.

You can put this value(QPJ) inside in PRJ file for work with QGIS.

The questions is:
Why, QGIS have two different values for "WKT CSR"  for same EPSG 32630 ?
One for PRJ other for QPJ

2011/3/1  <benoit-3 at bc-consult.com>:
> Hi Paolo,
> Please see attached zip file (small 2KB file)
> It contains:
> - A point shapefile with its CRS set to WGS84 UTM30N (prj file only) and a
> single point (located over the town of Kumasi in Ghana)
> - A QGIS project in Google Mercator CRS.
> When you load the shapefile into the project and then use the google plugin
> to display the satellite image around the point you could note that the
> satellite image is not what you expect (if you know the area).
> Also, double click the shapefile layer and go to the General tab. The CRS is
> set to Google Mercator, not UTM30N.
> Quit QGIS, rename the prj to qpj and do the above process again, and all is
> correct now.
> I hope you can reproduce this behaviour.
> Regards,
> Benoit
> On Tue, 01 Mar 2011 12:13:03 +0100, Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it>
> wrote:
>> Il giorno mar, 01/03/2011 alle 12.59 +0200, Tim Sutton ha scritto:
>>> I tested with a shp that I use in training courses I give. For me if I
>>> rename the qpj, the prj is still recognised correctly.
>> Just checked: a shp with a prj, no qpj is recognized and reprojected
>> correctly.
>> Could you please share the shp that gives you trouble?
>> All the best.
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