[Qgis-developer] GPL in the Tips (warning: license's bigotry inside)
jr.morreale at enoreth.net
Sat Mar 26 15:00:54 EDT 2011
I'm translating the Tips, this sentence caught my eye :
"The GPL places a restriction that any modifications you make must be
made available to the Quantum GIS project"
This is misleading, you only have to share your modification if you
distribute the binaries to somebody else. And even then you only have to
give access to the source code to the receivers, you don't have to send
your changes directly to the project.
For example if an geographic institute called *** made a client based on
QGIS supporting its in-house DRM access protocol, it would only have to
make the code available when distributing this version outside of the
Jean Roc
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