[Qgis-developer] r15846 raster rendering artifacts

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Sun May 1 18:09:18 EDT 2011

On Sat, 2011-04-30 at 00:25 +0400, Maxim Dubinin wrote:
> Hi all,
> it  seems  that  recent changes upto r15846  (125th  nightly build) bring some trouble in
> raster    rendering.   It  appears as horizontal lines stretching from
> one part of raster. Stangely  this  happens  while  opening  existing
> projects,  if rasters are reloaded in fresh new project errors are not
> appearing.

I'm seeing this kind of artifacts also in trunk under Linux when
reprojecting wms layers in new projects (not previously saved).


-- Giovanni --

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