[Qgis-developer] Git repo available for testing

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Mon May 2 12:22:31 EDT 2011

Hi Tim

On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Tim Sutton <lists at linfiniti.com> wrote:
> If you are interested in the git migration, you can test and play
> around with it here:
> http://github.com/qgis/Quantum-GIS
> You can go ahead and fork it and see if everything works ok for you.
> If we encounter any major issues, we may need to trash and repopulate
> it so please don't consider it production ready yet. I made detailed
> notes on the migration for anyone interested here:
> http://linfiniti.com/2011/05/some-notes-on-the-great-migration-qgis-svn-to-git/

great stuff :-)

The repository reads 59 branches and 82 tags. In my opinion we should:
- remove all ancient tags not related to releases - like
- change all release branches to tags
- remove all branches that have been merged or not touched for more
than 1-2 years
- for releases adopt a strategy e.g.: create release branch from
master, do release-related commits there, when finished create a
release tag and remove the release branch

... we would end up with just few active branches and tags marking
releases or other important milestones.

Then I have a question regarding merging stuff from other
repositories. For example customization we have done with Radim is
based on Sourcepole clone, Pirmin's globe work is also based on that
clone. Those are repositories with a different base, so I would expect
that merging will not work automatically. Anyone has some experience
with such use case?

Finally I have one major concern I have forgotten to discuss during
the hackfest. There will be no commit revision numbers anymore, so
developers will barely stay motivated to develop QGIS knowing that we
will never reach (and celebrate) revision 16000 or 20000 (btw. now we
are at r15861). Do you have any solution for that? Git's sha1 hashes
for the commits may bring in some fun too, though they seem quite
random :-)


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