[Qgis-developer] DBManager plugin for QuantumGIS (GSoC 2001)

Radim Blazek radim.blazek at gmail.com
Wed May 25 10:17:05 EDT 2011

On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Giuseppe Sucameli
<brush.tyler at gmail.com> wrote:
> Again, I would develop in python the GUI only, not the base functions ;)

Yes, but I hoped that a real query builder could be developed within
this project for example. I mean a robust, user friendly tool, which
does not allow user to build an incorrect query. It would be certainly
better to have such GUI component available also for C++.

> Tell me what in the QBrowser class cannot be done in python, it's just a
> container. It uses the QgsBrowserModel and some other Qt based classes
> I can easily handle in python without any problem.

I never said that you cannot. But I cannot then reuse your GUI
components in QBrowser. And I am sure that you are going to develop
really useful components.

> I don't think the QBrowser code makes particular GUI widgets/functions we
> should insert in app/core/gui.

Exactly, but I hope to use the components you develop for DB Manager
and those should go to gui lib, IMO.

> Different would be if you had developed a
> QgsBrowser tree widget implementing also the QgsLegend interface, as
> everybody could reuse that.

I don't know, what do you exactly mean, but if you think that there is
a possibility for a reusable component, then it is just another reason
to stay in C++.


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