[Qgis-developer] World file and Georeferencer

Manuel Massing m.massing at warped-space.de
Thu Nov 3 05:51:03 EDT 2011

Hi Agus,

> I often need a world file including rotation, would it be possible
> that the Georeferencer plugin had the option of writing a world file
> for order 1 polynomial? (perhaps it is possible  for Helmert also, as
> the scaling could be done by modifying the resolution?).
> Also, what do you understand by Linear? As far as understand, Helmert
> and order 1 polynomial are linear also.

yes, 1st order polynonmials and the 2D helmert transform are linear 
transforms, so this would be possible.

World-file export is currently not enabled for helmert+1st order because
rotated world-files are not always well-supported, even by qgis. It would be
quite bad to create files which are not supported by the originating

But maybe rotated imagery works better with the new accelerated warping code?


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