[Qgis-developer] Why I'm not going to use hub.plugins.org for my plugins

Tim Sutton lists at linfiniti.com
Mon Nov 21 06:48:08 EST 2011


On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 1:41 PM, Alessandro Pasotti <apasotti at gmail.com> wrote:

>> There are hundreds of redmine plugins out there, probably there is one
>> to let users delete their projects. I still wonder if it is a good
>> idea for other reasons though - if I file a bug against your project
>> and spent time and effort on working with your plugin I may not want
>> to see my work on your redmine project dissapear overnight because you
>> became bored with it. Better in my mind that an admin delete it after
>> giving it some consideration.
> In that case (which it's a corner case) you'd probably have the code
> in GIT anyway or at least the plugin installed on your disk and you
> could still create a new project.

Sorry but I was referring to the bug tracking history relating to the
plugin, not the code (I realise I have the code already). The history
of what issues people report against the plugin and what resolutions
took place and why is useful information that should persist should
e.g. a new maintainer take over the plugin because the former one got

It looks like the reason you can change your project to a subproject
of QGIS Desktop is because you are listed as a manager of that
project. So it seems that the rule is : you cant make your project (A)
a subproject of (B) unless you are at least a manager of (B). This
probably makes good sense because otherwise we give everyone perfect
freedom but also have potential anarchy e.g. users just inserting
their project as a child of yours without consulting you.

So I think the workflow should be that when a user wants to create a
new project, it should always go under plugins, and if that is the
wrong place they should file a ticket.



> --
> Alessandro Pasotti
> w3:   www.itopen.it

Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
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