[Qgis-developer] Why is scrolling in the attribute table so slow?

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Thu Nov 24 07:43:19 EST 2011

>> The same table in pgAdmin scrolls very fast (like in Excel or
>> Openoffice), in QGIS, the refresh rate while scrolling vertically is
>> approx. once per second, when scrolling horizontally I get an update
>> every 2 seconds? Too slow for my taste and my users.
> Odd, anything else special about the table?  I just picked a parcel
> layer with
> ~300k rows (but just 7 columns) from PostgreSQL and I don't see that 
> problem.

 It is actually a view where the join is based on multiple columns.

 I tested with another Postgis table with 16000 records which is only a 
 table and not a view and it performs much faster than the small view 
 with 350 records.

 So is it correct that the QGIS table only loads the "visible" portion 
 of the data and if one scrolls, additional layers are requested from the 
 provider? Maybe my view definition is slowing things down that much. I 
 have to see if I can improve it.

 On the other hand smaller tables would probably easily fit into memory.


 Andreas Neumann
 Böschacherstrasse 10A
 8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH)

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