[Qgis-developer] Re: [Qgis-community-team] RE: New QGIS logo

Francisco Palm francisco.palm at gmail.com
Sun Nov 27 06:23:08 EST 2011

On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 10:25 PM, Alister Hood
<alister.hood at synergine.com> wrote:
> I always thought it was one of the best icons and logos I'd ever seen.
> Glad I'm not the only one who likes it ;)

The current logo doesn't has nothing wrong. It's just that everything evolves.

In addition, there are some basic design issues, like unnecessary
bevel and relief, Conceptually Q and arrow are too simplistic and
color selection is mild, IMHO.

Change is -good-, try searching "logo evolution" on Google images to
see several examples of logo changes through time.

I think a logo contest is a great opportunity to promote and
disseminate Quantum GIS. But I do not recommend in any case that the
winner will be determined by vote, because it becomes a popularity
contest. Use a jury of -designers- to get optimal outcomes..

F. Palm

fpalm at mapologo.org.ve
francisco.palm at gmail.com

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