[Qgis-developer] Eliminate Sliver Polygons

bernhard.stroebl at jena.de bernhard.stroebl at jena.de
Tue Nov 29 03:31:21 EST 2011

Dear Marco and Andreas,

thank you for your quick responses.

@Marco: Unfortunately I am not at all familiar with C++ and this project 
maybe too heavy to learn it :-) I was thinking of a python thing 
although I would assume that performance would be better in C++ (apart 
from what you mentioned)

@Anreas: Yes the problem arises when topologically dirty datasets are 
imported. I already use GRASS to identify gaps and overlaps but v.clean 
offers only removal based on the area of the sliver polygon thus forcing 
me to analyze my dataset (area distribution) beforehand whereas I am 
aiming at a logical distinction of slivers enabling me to distinguish 
between data to keep and noise to eliminate regardless of the area.


Am 29.11.2011 09:11, schrieb Andreas Neumann:
> Hi Bernhard,
> I can't help you to solve this in QGIS, but I know that Sandro Santilli
> (strk) is currently working on Topology support in Postgis (which needs
> some funding by the way: http://www.pledgebank.com/postgistopology).
> I would assume that the Postgis topology work will help to keep data
> clean in the first place, and to clean data when transfering from simple
> features to topologic geometries.
> One other option that should work today is using GRASS topology and the
> v.clean command: http://grass.osgeo.org/gdp/html_grass64/v.clean.html -
> however this means transfering geometry to GRASS geometry first.
> Andreas
> On Tue, 29 Nov 2011 08:41:16 +0100, wrote:
>> Dear Devs,
>> years ago I used ArcINFO a lot. There has been this nice tool
>> Eliminate to get rid of sliver polygons based on a logical expression
>> (whereas GRASS only offes v.clean tool=rmarea).
>> Does anybody know of such a tool for QGIS?
>> If not I would start coding it myself. In this case I think it might
>> best fit into fTools. So any ibformation on how to contribute to
>> fTools would be appreciated.
>> regards
>> Bernhard
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