[Qgis-developer] QGIS web apps

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 11:44:23 EDT 2011

Hi all

while looking at the django web apps at plugins.qgis.org I have
collected some thoughts and ideas for improvements:

- plugins.qgis.org started as a domain for plugin repository, now it
has transformed to a multi-app environment. Probably app.qgis.org
domain would suit better the purpose?

- on a related topic, the title and header for all apps is "Quantum
GIS Plugin Repository" - maybe "Quantum GIS - [appname]" would be

- the welcome page http://plugins.qgis.org/ is dull. A list with the
app names (+icons?) and a short description may improve the
experience. Or planet could work as a welcome page.

- snippets: what is the state of this app? there are various links
leading to a 404 pages

- plugins: currently the list of plugins lists max 5 plugins per page.
Could this be changed to a higher number, eg. 20?

- plugins: I believe that the plugin list could be greatly simplified.
In my opinion the list should enable users to find interesting plugins
- for that they do not need version number, when the plugin was
created etc. The amount of information makes the important things less
visible - we need to show plugin name (with larger font), icon,
description and maybe author+downloads with a small font. All the
other information can be listed in plugin details page.

Any comments?


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