[Qgis-developer] Re: Working on Symbology Improvement for the GSOC

aruntheguy at gmail.com aruntheguy at gmail.com
Sun Apr 1 09:47:25 EDT 2012

Hello  all,

Here is a update to the discussion. I have posted a few mockups here <
http://www.arunmozhi.in/2012/04/a-qgis-symbology-dock-mockup/ > that will
give a idea of the new UI that I propose. This wouldn't make it completely
modal-less however.

For some situations like a Line symbol using SVG marker, there will be a
modal dialog at least to select the SVG symbol. But most cases can be
handled with just these two tabs.

Considering Anita's warning, the rendering will be made as on-demand using
the "Apply style" button or we can include a checkbox for the on-the-fly

The mock-up is just to give a rough idea, it can discussed and refined.

Twitter: @tecoholic
Website: http://arunmozhi.in
IRC Nick: teco
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