[Qgis-developer] SEXTANTE backends

Victor Olaya volayaf at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 07:56:47 EDT 2012

that is a question that should be discussed.

Algorihtm providers in SEXTANTE can be turned off, so I would prefer
to have them all together, since the size is rather small, and to
activate them within SEXTANTE.

However, there is already a mechanism for creating plugins that
connect their algorithms into SEXTANTE, for those who prefer to
develop them outside of SEXTANTE and distribute them separately as

As I said, in the case of small plugins, it should not be a problem to
include them in SEXTANTE. The main issue I see is related to providers
using external apps and how to distribute them. I think that this
should also be discussed.

For now, I will keep all the backends and algorithms that I develop in
one single plugin along with the SEXTANTE core. If other developers
want their algorithms also included there, just tell me. And if
someone creates its own provider as an external plugin, it should be
clearly stated that it requires SEXTANTE, so people can install it in
advance and also can search for SEXTANTE-based plugins.


El día 17 de abril de 2012 13:46, Alexander Bruy
<alexander.bruy at gmail.com> escribió:
> Hi all,
> now SEXTANTE has several backends and more backends are under
> development. Most of this backends (like fTools, mmqgis and others)
> are distributed within SEXTANTE core plugin. Maybe it is better to
> rewrite them a bit and distribute as separate modules, so peoples
> will install only required backends? Opinions?
> Thanks
> --
> Alexander Bruy
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