[Qgis-developer] Building QGIS in Mac OS X (Mountain Lion i.e. 10.8) with QtSQL support

Noli Sicad nsicad at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 20:45:26 PDT 2012

Cmake no problem now.

Nolis-MacBook-Pro:~ nsicad$ which cmake


Now, I got problem compiling SIP.


Last login: Sat Aug  4 13:35:51 on ttys005
Nolis-MacBook-Pro:sip-4.13.4-snapshot-5775580258b3 nsicad$ python2.7
configure.py -d /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages -b /usr/local/bin -e
/usr/local/include -v /usr/local/share/sip
This is SIP 4.13.4-snapshot-5775580258b3 for Python 2.7.2 on darwin.
The SIP code generator will be installed in /usr/local/bin.
The sip module will be installed in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages.
The sip.h header file will be installed in /usr/local/include.
The default directory to install .sip files in is /usr/local/share/sip.
The platform/compiler configuration is macx-g++.
Creating siplib/sip.h...
Creating siplib/siplib.c...
Creating siplib/siplib.sbf...
Creating sipconfig.py...
Creating top level Makefile...
Creating sip code generator Makefile...
Creating sip module Makefile...
Nolis-MacBook-Pro:sip-4.13.4-snapshot-5775580258b3 nsicad$ make
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
cc -c -pipe -fPIC -Os -w -DNDEBUG -I.
-o siplib.o siplib.c
cc -c -pipe -fPIC -Os -w -DNDEBUG -I.
-o apiversions.o apiversions.c
cc -c -pipe -fPIC -Os -w -DNDEBUG -I.
-o descriptors.o descriptors.c
cc -c -pipe -fPIC -Os -w -DNDEBUG -I.
-o qtlib.o qtlib.c
cc -c -pipe -fPIC -Os -w -DNDEBUG -I.
-o threads.o threads.c
cc -c -pipe -fPIC -Os -w -DNDEBUG -I.
-o objmap.o objmap.c
cc -c -pipe -fPIC -Os -w -DNDEBUG -I.
-o voidptr.o voidptr.c
c++ -c -pipe -fPIC -Os -w -DNDEBUG -I.
-o bool.o bool.cpp
make[1]: c++: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [bool.o] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2
Nolis-MacBook-Pro:sip-4.13.4-snapshot-5775580258b3 nsicad$



On 8/4/12, Larry Shaffer <larrys at dakotacarto.com> wrote:
> Noli,
> On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 7:49 PM, Noli Sicad <nsicad at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Larry,
>>> Yes CMake is necessary. qmake is used to query where Qt components are
>>> installed. See results of:
>>> qmake -query
>> I downloaded cmake-2.8.8-Darwin64-universal.dmg from
>> http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html
>> and installed it.
>> Command line is installed in  /usr/bin  <-------(default install)
>> The installer asked me where to install the command line (default is
>> /usr/bin).
>> I hope this OK.
> Yes, that's OK, but as a general rule, you want to avoid installing
> non-essential software in /usr/bin; instead use /usr/local/  or  /opt
> for installs needing to be available to all users. When you install
> software from source it usually has a 'prefix' of /usr/local that will
> be used. For example, when installing cmake from source, I end up
> with:
> [larrys]$ which cmake
> /usr/local/bin/cmake
> Again, I'm available on #qgis channel on irc.freenode.net most of
> today, if you want more help (nickname of 'dakcarto'). Step-by-step
> questions, like you are asking, are better suited for that
> communication platform. (Plus, you might get quicker answers :^)
> Larry
>> Thanks.
>> Noli

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