[Qgis-developer] Have you already made some diagrams today? :)

Kuhn Matthias, Vermessung Matthias.Kuhn at Stadt-Uster.ch
Fri Aug 10 06:03:27 PDT 2012

If not, please get my branch and make some. There are a lot of improvements and changes (Listed further down this page).
It's probably not production stable but already works reasonably well.

And while you're already testing code: Its testing Friday!


+ Minimum size for diagrams (As an option, scale any diagram smaller than...)
  * Status: Done

+ Text diagram: Center text better vertically (As an option)
  * Status: Done

+ Make diagrams area accurate! By now the radius instead of area is scaled.
  * Done for text diagrams and Pie charts

+ New diagram type: Bar chart
  * Done
  * Feedback needed: Do things like "Fixed size" and "Increase size of small diagrams" make sense here? Seems a bit uncontrollable to me.

/ Ordering: Draw smaller charts on top of bigger one instead of hiding colliding diagrams.
  * Done. (For now: Activate new labelling => Advanced => Engine settings: Enable "Show All")
  * Config option in diagrams to come...


/ Charts are not placed on some polygons
  * Need confirmation that this is really a problem with Placment method "Free"

- New diagram option: Split diagrams. (Pie charts / Bar charts e.g. age pyramid)
  * Not yet...

- Redesign of diagram layer
  * Still crowded, tried to give only options that make sense in this context. Probably needs to be split up into some more dialogs.

- Number in pie segments indicating its value
  * ToDo

- Legend in map composer
  * ToDo

Regards and enjoy the weekend,

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