[Qgis-developer] Slow raster loading

MORREALE Jean Roc jr.morreale at enoreth.net
Thu Feb 9 12:51:46 EST 2012

Le 09/02/2012 10:38, Nathan Woodrow a écrit :
> I had a person email me today (a council trying to me to QGIS) about trying
> to load a 2gb ecw and it just locks up the UI with no idea of how much is
> left to be done or what is going on. I have experienced the same thing but
> managed to get around it by making a fake stats file, QGIS then just opens
> thinking the stats are fine.

Oh I'm often getting a similar kind of report : the user opens the 
properties, clicks on the wrong tab -> too bad the file is a huge pct 
raster, kill your project.

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