[Qgis-developer] Loading raster stats: grass/gdal slowdown?

Giuseppe Sucameli brush.tyler at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 07:43:14 EST 2012


On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Alexander Bruy
<alexander.bruy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Right currently stretching is off by default. But collecting stats
> is necessary not only for stretching. For example some plugins
> needs raster statistics for their work.

are you talking about approximated stats, isn't it? Because in this moment
the QgsRasterProvider compute full stats only, so the process can require
a lot of time.

In addition, I think we should re-style the piece of the raster Layer Property
dialog to set min/max (I know there's a ticket yet):

- the checkboxs are not checked whenever at least one should be,

- "Estimated (faster)" compute only approximated max/min, instead "Actual
(slower)" compute full stats (why? shouldn't compute min/max either)?

- the "Load" button is far away from the checkboxes (I thought them was

> 2012/2/28 Nathan Woodrow <madmanwoo at gmail.com>:
>> I thought stretching was off by default...
>> - Nathan
> --
> Alexander Bruy
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Giuseppe Sucameli

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