[Qgis-developer] [Qgis-user] Regarding case studies...
Tim Sutton
lists at linfiniti.com
Sun Jul 22 14:04:32 PDT 2012
On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 5:37 PM, John Callahan <john.callahan at udel.edu> wrote:
> Is there anything on the QGIS site/wiki that allows users to submit on their
> use of QGIS but less than writing a case study? and something more than the
> QGIS users map? For example, I would like to post somewhere the ways I am
> using QGIS but don't have the time to write up a case study. As well, my
> uses of QGIS are not complete or thorough enough to warrant a long
> description. For each of my uses, I can include a brief statement on what
> I am doing (visualizing ship traffic density) and the tools/plugins that I
> find useful for this purpose (vector analysis, creating fishnets and the sum
> line lengths tool.)
> I'm looking for something close to a "QGIS in Action" list. Sorry if this
> has been tried before or not detailed enough to be beneficial to the larger
> audience. Personally, I would find it useful. Just a thought...
Short reply:
- we dont have such a facility yet
- it sounds like a good idea
- I've added it to the wish list for our we offerings list
> - John
> ***********************************************
> John Callahan, Research Scientist
> Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware
> URL: http://www.dgs.udel.edu
> *************************************************
> On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 9:09 AM, Otto Dassau <dassau at gbd-consult.de> wrote:
>> Dear Community,
>> we have a new case study written by Monica Almeida. She is conservation
>> biologist working in a non-governmental organization in the preservation
>> of
>> wolves in Portugal.
>> The case study is about using "QGIS and GRASS for modelling ecological
>> corridors for wolves in North Portugal". You can read it here:
>> http://www.qgis.org/en/community/qgis-case-studies/ribeira-de-pena-portugal.html
>> Thank you very much Monica for your contribution!
>> Kind Regards
>> Otto
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