[Qgis-developer] fTools version masking

Alexander Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Thu Jun 7 05:08:03 PDT 2012

2012/6/7 Carson Farmer <carson.farmer at gmail.com>:
> The version of fTools that is in my repository has not been updated in
> some time. In fact, it is likely that the core version should have its
> version number updated, as it is much more up-to-date than the one in
> my repo. Unfortunately, I am unable to work on fTools these days, so
> would hope that one of the devs could updated the core fTools plugin
> version number to 0.6.2, or perhaps even just keep the version number
> up-to-date with the current QGIS version number.
Ok, I just set fTools version to 0.6.2 in QGIS master.

> @Alex: Apologies if I have ignored your past emails, this past year
> has been a hectic one for me, and I haven't been keeping up with QGIS
> business much :-(
No problems, Carson, I understand.

Alexander Bruy

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